Why I started to blog!

Hello people! how have you been? Hope that everything is well with y’all.. So today I’m gonna talk about why I started to blog, what made be blog, etc.. Soo without wasting time let’s get started.

The main frank reason for me to start up my blog was because of my journalism teacher she inspired me to start writing blog etc.. And it is the best way to be productive on social media because I was a person who spent hour’s of time on social media scrolling through many reels, shorts on Instagram and YouTube.. Just to pass way time.. And literally just wasted my time, but I always felt guilty for wasting my time So I want to do something alternative to replace my social media time into productive time. So blogging was a really good replacement for me
Because I can learn through it, I can grow in many ways I mean i can get better at writing.., better at time management, getting creative, etc by doing this I’m satisfied that I’m doing something that is useful for me and for others. That makes me happy.

I don’t know how many people read my article, and find it useful I don’t know I’m just a beginning I’m learning. Everything is new and fun. I’m enjoying what I do..!

But I’m going to post many thing that i learn in my life and moreover it will be nice to write about it so that it could not only benefit me but also to others who read my blog’s.

If your also a person who wanna do anything productive in your time and anyone who wants to start a blog and if anything is stopping you from it.. Girl/boy stop overthinking and just do it as always said ” Only the first step is the biggest ” And if you do it you will be a person who is going to grow in many ways possible. So start it today! Don’t procrastinate. YOU GOT THIS!

Hope you enjoyed readying and found it useful if u like my content and wanna see many more like this consider follow my page and tell ur views on comment see you in my next blog Until then take a very good care of urself….. Enola Signing off see you soon!!!

5 thoughts on “Why I started to blog!

  1. Hi Agnes (Enola?) πŸ™‚

    I am always intrigued when people use the term β€œsocial media”. So far I have not met ANYONE who can define what they mean by it … β€” can you?

    πŸ™‚ Norbert


    1. Heyy Norbert! What i ment by social media is the entertainment part of it where I use to get lost scrolling down and down, there are few things which is useful but most of other things uk i just don’t find it helpful and still spent most of my time into it.. Hope I made sence to u

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL, yes it does — so it sounds like “social media” means something like “infinite scrolling” (at least for you πŸ˜‰ )


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